Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009

Blog Advertising Network is Effective Media to Promote Your Business

Do you just already start your online business? Want to boost your rank position in search engine? Why don’t you use blog advertising? Blog advertising is one of effective way to promote your online business. How exactly it works? Well, it’s very simple. Just go to Blog advertising networks.

Why advertise on blogs? Now, blog have a same function like a website with more easy to manage. So, it’s easy way to use it as advertising media. What is blog advertising network? It’s media that connects advertisers and bloggers. Nowadays, there are many blog advertising network out there, Paying is the good one.

Paying post help advertisers promote their products, services, or sites. They will provide a good result for you. What kind of benefits can get by advertisers? Blog advertising will inform your product or service (especially new product) across the world through internet, increase your traffic to your site, get more customers, cheaper than ppc campaign, get a good backlink for your site, and make your site more have better rank position on search engine.

Search engine rank position (SERP) is the most important thing for online business owner. The more you have a good backlink and popularity, higher SERP you will have. So, if you are an online business owner, you can pay some money to bloggers or website owner through paying post, and they will review about your product or service in their blog or website. Then several weeks later, your site will get higher SERP.

For bloggers, you can earn money from your blog. How can you get paid to blog? It’s simple. You must have a blog with some requirements, like at least 90 days old from your first post and have a good traffic. Submit your blog at, and your blog will be reviewed. If your blog gets approved, you can start make money online.

6 komentar:

  1. Wah revew baru ya kang, coba merapat ke sana akh

  2. saya juga sudah bergabung dengan payingpost mas, job yang ditawarkan cukup lumayan dengan paid review lainnya :)

  3. @harry seenthings

    ya,kira2 usia nya baru 3 bulanan...segera aja gabung kang lumayan ini aja bisa diterima

    ya betul, jobnya lumayan untuk blog pemula seperti saya...hehe

  4. bro ikut dong.. he.2...

    lumayan kayanya nh buat beli rokok sama bayar kos.2an.... ^^

  5. @perlawanan hati
    langsung aja bro ke

  6. Wah...seru juga ya, blog 3 bulan bisa dapat job..gabung ah :D Terima kasih kang atas infonya
